Alcohol guidelines in Canada

Recently the Canadian government updated its guidelines around the risks associated with alcohol.

Previously Health Canada set low risk drinking (not no risk drinking) at a maximum of 10 standard alcoholic drinks a week for men and no more than 10 drinks a week for women (with a maximum of 3 drinks in one sitting for men, and 2 for women).

What are the current guidelines?

The current (updated!) Canadian guidelines around alcohol take a very different approach, stating that there is no level of alcohol without risk. This now seen as a continuum of risk, where the risk of harm is as follows:

  • 0 drinks per week — Not drinking has benefits, such as better health, and better sleep.

  • standard drinks or less per week — You are likely to avoid alcohol-related consequences for yourself or others at this level.

  • 3–6 standard drinks per week — Your risk of developing several types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer, increases at this level.

  • 7 standard drinks or more per week — Your risk of heart disease or stroke increases significantly at this level.

  • Each additional standard drink radically increases the risk of alcohol-related consequences.

  • Consuming more than 2 standard drinks per occasion is associated with an increased risk of harms to self and others, including injuries and violence.

  • When pregnant or trying to get pregnant, there is no known safe amount of alcohol use.

  • When breastfeeding, not drinking alcohol is safest.

How alcohol can contribute to feelings of anxiety and low mood is a common topic in our offices with patients. In addition to the risks outlined above, alcohol may be impacting you sleep, recovery, stress response or exercise.

If you are thinking of cutting back, that’s great! There are many ways to reduce and engage with drinking in a way that suits your lifestyle and protects your health.

How to start cutting back


To first start cutting back we want to bring mindfulness to the forefront. Try taking a moment before you get a drink to check in with yourself using the HALT system (which stands for hungry, angry, lonely, tired, and was developed for Intuitive Eating). If you are feeling an emotion, identify and label it.

Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, anger are emotions we all experience throughout life. Each has its own trigger, and each has its own appeasement. We want to first start by drawing attention to these emotions so we can identify them, and build trust with ourself around food.

Have alcohol free days

Depending on how frequently or often you are drinking, you may want to opt for having an alcohol free day (or multiple!) throughout the week.

Add in alcohol free options

Try drinking a glass of water between drinks, or swapping to a non-alcoholic option like sparking water, a mocktail or a non-alcoholic beer or wine instead.

Scheduling sober friendly activities

Do most of your social engagements take place around drinking? Try scheduling social activities that don’t involve drinking, such an evening work out class, or swap the pint and chat with your friend to a coffee and a walk.

Additional resources to reduce drinking or redevelop your relationship with drinking

The following are some research based book and mindfulness apps we often recommend to patients to explore and assist them in redefining their relationship with alcohol.


This Naked Mind: control alcohol, find freedom, discover happiness & change your life by Annie Grace

The Craving Mind by Judson Brewer


Craving to Quit - Based on the work of Judson Brewer

Unwinding Anxiety - Based on the work of Judson Brewer

Saying When - by CAMH

Sunshine - Mindful drinking (paid app)

Other resources

If your drinking feels like it has been increasing, you are having a hard time cutting back, or it’s impacting your ability to work and take care of things at home, you may need to seek additional support.

There are Canada wide services you can access or learn more through CAMH.

Have questions about your health? Book a complimentary meet and greet appointment with one of our Naturopathic Doctors to learn more about how we can support you in your health journey.