
Microneedling is a minimally invasive nonsurgical procedure that can be performed by both our aesthetics educator and our registered acupuncturist. Tiny needles are used to create micro-injury to the skin to stimulate collagen synthesis. This is done with a Health Canada approved device that uses rapid and precise depth of very fine needle, tailored to your skin and goals. This also creates tiny channels in the skin, allowing us to infuse serums and active ingredients more efficiently. The result is improved skin texture and tone with less recovery time than lasers and peels.

We use a topical anaesthetic cream to help numb and reduce any pain associated with the treatment. The procedure can cause short-term swelling, redness, and skin flaking, which can last for a few days. Skin will be more sun-sensitive after treatment, so sunscreen is also advised.  Full pre- and post-treatment instructions will be provided upon booking.

Note: for insurance purposes, this may be covered by extended health plans when booked with our registered acupuncturist.

Please review our microneedling treatment information prior to your appointment.


Facial Microneedling - $300 + HST

Face, Neck & Decolletage - $400 + HST
