Microneedling: pre & Post Treatment Information

Please review the following pre & post treatment considerations for your upcoming appointment.

Preparing for Your Appointment: Precautions & Warnings

  • Discontinue Treatments: Stop auto-immune therapies, retinoids (Retin-A), and other skin treatments 24 hours before your procedure, as directed by your physician.

  • Avoid Treatment Areas: Do not treat areas with active acne, rosacea, inflammatory skin conditions, piercings, or open wounds.

  • Post-Isotretinoin Care: Wait at least 6 months after completing isotretinoin (Accutane) treatment before the procedure.

  • Herpes Simplex Virus: Patients with facial outbreaks such as herpes simplex virus, medication must be taken per doctor’s instructions.

  • Allergies: Notify your provider if you have metal or skin allergies.

  • Medication: Discontinue any medication affecting skin characteristics 2 months before treatment, under physician guidance.

  • Recent Surgeries: Do not undergo treatment if you had a face lift, eyelid surgery, dermabrasion, remodeling, deep chemical peels, or any surgical procedure on the treatment area within the past year.

  • Injectables: Avoid treatment if you had Botox, collagen, fat injections, or other augmentations in the treatment area within the last 6 months.

  • Sun Exposure: Do not undergo treatment if your skin is excessively tanned or sunburned within the previous 2 weeks.

  • Skin Types V-VI: Be aware that pigment may darken before lightening.

Post Treatment Care & Considerations

  • Post-Procedure Care: Avoid sweaty exercise and sun exposure for 72 hours after the procedure.

  • Redness: Expect redness lasting 1-3 days.

  • Possible Reactions: Be prepared for inflammation, itching, and burning.


Microneedling is not suitable for individuals with the following:

Keloid scars

  • Eczema, psoriasis, and other chronic conditions

  • Actinic keratosis, diabetes, raised moles, or warts in the treatment area

  • Hemophilia, irregular blood pressure, tuberculosis, liver function issues

  • Susceptibility to capillary ectasia due to prolonged steroid use

  • Scleroderma, collagen vascular disease

  • Cardiac abnormalities, pacemaker, blood clotting problems

  • Blood thinning medication

  • Active bacterial or fungal infections

  • Immunosuppression

  • Facial melanosis

  • Malignant tumors

  • Any type of cancer or suspicious lesions/moles in the treatment area

  • Pregnancy or nursing

  • Any other medical condition contraindicated by your physician

Ensure you follow these guidelines and consult with your physician before your appointment. If you have any questions, contact us at hello@craftedbalanceclinic.com