Pregnant? Read this!

Pre and post-natal chiropractic care - understand how a chiropractor can support you through the motherhood transition by our chiropractor Dr. Tannis Boisvert.

Having a baby is an incredibly exciting time, but it is also a time of incredible change for your body, and with that often comes aches and pains. Up to 80% of women suffer from pregnancy related back, pelvic and leg pain (amongst other symptoms) and with many, this pain lingers in the post-natal (after baby) period. From head to toe- chiropractors can help relieve the postural aches that come with growing a human to feeding and holding your baby following birth. Chiropractors have more than just your back (literally) as you enter into the amazing chapter of your life that is motherhood.

During pregnancy, the aches and pains that may have occurred occasionally prior to pregnancy (especially in your spine and pelvis) become more pronounced as the weight of a growing uterus changes the mechanics of how a woman’s body moves. A hormone called relaxin increases during pregnancy; its purpose is to relax the joints (especially the pelvis) to prepare the body for giving birth. this process is incredibly important, but a side effect can be decreased joint stability. These changes forces the body to shift its way of balancing and this places pressure on the joints of the hips, pelvis and lower back in new ways than what your body is used to. Throw morning sickness, sleepless nights and other changing hormones into the mix and you have the perfect recipe for new aches and pains. But not to worry, chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent the common discomforts experienced in pregnancy and is safe for both the mother and child. Following pregnancy, a visit to the chiropractor can help ease the strain on your muscles and joints that come as a result of lifting, feeding and playing with your newborn. A good chiropractor will also prescribe rehabilitation exercises and practices to ensure proper healing and function.

Overall, how exactly can chiropractors help?

  • Reduce back and pelvic pain

  • Relieve fatigued, aching muscles

  • Help prepare for childbirth

  • Ensure faster recovery by addressing post-natal biomechanical complaints and rehabilitation

Common issues that arise during and after pregnancy that chiropractors can address:

  • Neck pain and headaches

  • Back pain

  • Mid back pain

  • Pelvic pain

  • Aching legs and buttocks

  • Sciatica (or shooting pain down the leg/foot)

  • Fatigue and low energy

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • De Quervain tenosynovitis

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Round ligament pain

  • Diastasis recti or loss of core control

  • Pelvic floor issues

  • Symphysis pubis pain/dysfunction

  • Caesarian scar pain and restrictions

  • And so much more!

Many women believe that these symptoms are an inevitable part of their pre and post-natal journey, but I’m here to tell you that they don’t have to be.

I appreciate that pregnancy is an incredibly beautiful, but also challenging time for most. Many pregnant individuals continue working full time up to their due date during which time they are navigating the ins and outs of everyday life while also growing a human. I am blown away at the sheer resilience shown by individuals managing all of that!

From countless check-ups to recommendations from well-intentioned friends and family, the pregnancy process can be quite overwhelming and confusing. My goal as your chiropractor is not only to help you minimize the aches and pains that often come with pregnancy, but to help you build a plan that will see you through this time in the healthiest and most comfortable way possible. From discussing birth provider options, stress reduction techniques, exercise and nutrition, birth plans to the pain of labour and techniques that may assist… My focus is to quell any concerns and answer any questions that arise during your pregnancy. Following giving birth, in addition to providing hands on care- I will equip you with exercise recommendations and specific rehabilitation programs to ensure proper healing and function!

Crafted Balance Clinic