Changes In Pregnancy
Hormonal and Physical Changes In Pregnancy
What happens to my body when I become pregnant?
Growing a baby is a major event that involves massive shifts in hormones, increases in blood volume, changes in structures - you are literally growing a new organ, the placenta, as well as a new human. Hormones such as human chorionic gondatotropin (HCG), estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones, prolactin and relaxin all increase. Through each trimester, different symptoms often arise, but these are experienced differently by everyone.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is the hormone that we measure with a pregnancy test! Levels rise dramatically in the first trimester - doubling every few days. Morning sickness is largely related to this in the first trimester.
The hormone relaxin also rises. This softens structures to accommodate a growing baby - increasing ligament laxity, softening cartilage, allowing slight widening of the pelvis etc. We often assume this is related to pelvic pain in pregnancy but that’s not actually true.
Estrogen also helps relax ligaments. This hormone increases by about 1000 times in pregnancy! It helps increase blood supply, enlarge the uterus and breasts and thicken the epithelium that lines the vagina.
Progesterone increases by about 15 times in pregnancy. This is one of the reasons many pregnant folks experience constipation. It also relaxes smooth muscles in the body - think, uterus, blood vessels and intestines (hence the constipation!)
Thyroid hormones, prolactin, melatonin, and cortisol are all also important hormones during pregnancy.
What about my organ systems?
Most organ systems in the body experience some change at this time! Our cardiovascular system has increases in blood volume to support the growing baby, and growing a placenta (which is primarily a vascular organ!)
Our respiratory system increases oxygen consumption, our immune system alters to allow for implantation and the growth of a foreign body (baby!), our urinary system changes, and even our brains! Remodelling in the brain continues for up to two years post-partum. Much of this remodelling is about a shift in focus, not a change in cognition! Not everyone will experience each symptom or experience each symptom in the same way.
Our team can support you through each trimester - including the 4th trimester (the three months after birth!) to help you feel empowered, confident and comfortable through your experience.
The goal is to support your mind (mindset, mindfulness, preparation, expectations and aspirations), body (manage symptoms, optimize nutrients, prevent pregnancy related conditions, support your pelvic floor, strengthen your body), and help you source a great team for pregnancy and post-partum.