I love soccer. I love competition, working with others towards a set goal. I got back into playing competitive soccer with an awesome group of women a few years ago (Outdoor and Indoor champs 2019!!!) and it’s my favourite part of the week.

For the past year my major goal around movement has been to try new things, which has made me a fan of spin, HIIT training, dancing spiritual pilates, hip hop flow yoga. I’ve also made a conscious effort to make exercise a social activity - keeping me accountable.My goals for this next year around movement: Complete an indoor triathlon and a sprint triathlon, Run FAST in the lululemon 10km, stay in the top 3 of scoring on my soccer team, and run one race in the fall. And STRETCH MORE.

Want to set more movement goals for yourself this year - or get to state of health where these goals feel exciting?


For a large portion of my life I was a track and field athlete. I loved the competition, I loved the training, I loved the community of people that it grew for me. As I approached the end of my time as a varsity athlete, I was burned out, injured and had lost my love for the sport. It has taken me many years of experimenting with bootcamps, yoga, rock climbing, and running (without a watch) to find my love for movement again. One of my favourite aspects of movement - as I’ve slowly realized - is sharing it with other people. Others motivate me to start and inspire me to keep going. I run hard when I feel energized and take a yoga class when I feel depleted. It has been an incredible shift to tailor my exercise to how my body feels. I’m even getting my competitive spirit back as @drmadnd and I have been experimenting with treadmill HIIT classes. 

One of my goals has been doing things I love and that I’m good at - running - but also sticking with forms of movement I’m less good at - soccer. I play co-ed soccer with a group of incredible people who make me laugh and enjoy a sport that I always thought I “sucked” at. This is also alongside my sister who played for Canada’s World University Games soccer team. Where I used to feel envious of her incredible foot skills, now I’m so proud to play alongside her! 

People find their motivation and inspiration from different sources. What you need to light your fire for movement will be different from someone else’s and it can take some time to figure it out - and that’s ok. Let’s figure it out together and discover the benefits to your health.

Fiona Callender