Dr Fiona’s Approach

For most of my time in my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, I worked in a research lab – with the intention of pursuing medical school after graduating. I had the opportunity to travel to interview some incredible researchers and the amazing individuals participating in their studies on exercise and aging. This may not have been the first hint that I was passionate about lifestyle medicine but it was definitely one of the most impactful moments for me. Seeing a group of men and women in their 60s, 70s, even 80s, sprinting up hills and then laughing over coffee had a profound impact on how I viewed longevity, exercise and connection. These people were thriving.

I care deeply about helping my patients thrive and I believe this starts with strengthening our pillars of health – move, eat, rest, think, connect – and supporting my patients with evidence-based strategies to supplement where needed. Yes, we will use supplements and yes, we will order lab work - but only when it will be most impactful or when testing will change our course of treatment.

Dr. Madeleine’s Approach

My approach comes from a mixed love of soccer, science, and a voracious appetite for books. 

In my undergrad at U of T I studied the small picture (cell biology) and big picture (global health) of what makes us healthy. Eventually this question of what makes us healthy, my love of sport, and what is the most cost efficient care (spoiler alert: prevention!!!) lead me to naturopathic medicine.

Within naturopathic medicine I want to ensure we understand the research behind what we decided to do for your treatment plan. I also don’t want to forget to take a holistic approach and ensure we are always working on strategies to improve our lifestyle - as it’s the foundation of our health.

I love to combine critically appraised ideas from research, my education, and from thought leaders to help you feel confident in our plan and well versed in why we are doing something. I also want to leave you excited to explore your own journey through these pillars of health (move, eat, rest, think, connect) to craft a balanced lifestyle that is unique to you.

Fiona Callender